Friday, April 6, 2012

My cup runneth over. I am now working with both Joan (Siebert) Cozis (“Joanie”) and Judith M. (Siebert) Coyman (“Judy”), great granddaughters of Anna (Wehner) Siebert, who are extraordianrily generous with family information and photos, and, equally important to an author, are taking great interest in this book. (Which, unfortunately, gets longer and longer.)

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I have begun working (actually, reworking) the descendants of Clara Wehner and Charles Darwin Blaine. A great breakthrough came with the unraveling of the life of Katherine Kolkmeyer, second wife of James George Blaine, only child of Clara and Charles. Katherine's story is a rags to riches story. She started life with her father being committed to a mental institution and ended up running Continental Van Lines! It's an interesting saga.  And today I was contacted by Joan (Siebert) Cozis, granddaughter of Edward A. Siebert, one of Anna Wehner's numerous offspring. She and I (and her mother) will be exchanging information to finish up the story of Edward A. Siebert's line. I sure want to finish up this Wehner tome soon.