Wednesday, October 24, 2012

You may wonder where I've been for the last several weeks. I've actually been working on the book, or should I say, THE BOOK, or perhaps THE BOOK. It just keeps getting longer and longer. Editors state that newsworthy articles must have three things - facts, persepective, and relevance. Mary Frances and I have just returned from three weeks in the Mississippi River area, part of which was used in looking for more Wehner facts and perspective (i.e., history). We spent part of the trip on another riverboat cruise up the Mississippi, seven days from St. Louis to Minneapolis. But we also spent some time in the St. Louis and Ste. Genevieve area following up on leads for the book. We visited the St. Louis church where Julius Martin Wehner and Mary Ann Oces were married. I was successful in finding what happened to Eulalia Margaret Baumstark, daughter of Mary Wehner and William Baumstark (she married Vernon Jones and the couple are buried in what may be a pauper's grave in St. Matthew Cemetery, St. Louis). But I had no success at all in finding out anything about the homicide of Franklin Charles Hoeckele, husband of Dora Ann Wehner. The Festus police files do not go back that far and a thorough search of regional libraries found no extant copies of Festus newspapers for the appropriate time period (he was killed 10 Mar 1928). An attempt at the Ste. Genevieve courthouse and the Church of Ste. Genevieve to find death dates for Nicholas Wehner's two children, Joseph and John, who died young, was also unsuccessful. It may be that the church at River aux Vases, which may have been Nicholas's church before he came to Ste. Genevieve, could provide the information. I did get some new photos, at least two of which, Plattin Creek, where the glass industry started at Festus and Crystal City, and the present mining along Plattin Creek, re now in the book. And I got a lot of additional history. All in all, it was a successful trip, I added to facts and perspective. I hope that relevance will not be forgotten. I also made some new Wehner contacts. The book is not receiving its final editing and indexing. I will keep you posted.