Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Bier und Brot

Today I shipped out the last copies of Bier und Brot, the Wehners of Southeast Missouri. I apologize to those who are still requesting copies. There are no more. I may start a list for a possible reprint, but right now I am hoping to avoid that since I am moving on to writing about other families.

I'll keep this Wehner site open for a couple of months and will then close it. My new activity is shown on http://tapscottfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/

Thanks for the interest. It was much, much more than I had expected. I should have printed twice the number.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Last of the Books

Just five copies of Bier und Brot remain. Actually, only three since two copies are going to libraries.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Bier und Brot

I printed quite a few extra copies of Bier und Brot, planning to give them away to libraries. It looks like there will be few if any going that direction. They have been selling like hotcakes, something I wasn't expecting. I have just seven left. There may be one or two that will go to libraries, but I rather doubt it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Wehner Book, Bier und Brot

Most, but not quite all, the free copies I promised those who provided information, photos, etc, have gone out. Several people have asked about purchasing copies. I do have a number of extras, but I must admit the price is rather steep. The actual printing price was $43.03 per book. The postage to send a book by media mail (what was called at one time "Book Rate") is $3.88 per book. The USPS packaging envelopes are $1.89. That makes the actual cost for printing and mailing $48.80 per book. I am charging $50 per book to make up for a little of the other publishing and shipping costs (cost of software to prepare files for printer, processing of some photos for printing, labels, tape, etc.).

Saturday, August 24, 2013


200 lbs of books, Bier und Brot, the Wehners of Southeast Missouri, just arrived by FedEx from the publishers an hour ago. I have to figure out where to put the boxes. It will take a few weeks to get copies to those I promised a book.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Done! Done! Done!

Bier und Brot

The Wehners of Southeast Missouri

Robert E. Tapscott

The book went to the printers today. Those who I promised free copies should receive a book in the next couple of months. If you don't, let me know. And please stay in touch.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pause due to Recent Contacts

Two people, one a descendant of Anna Margaret Wehner (daughter of John George and Theresa Vaeth) and the other familiar with some descendants of Frederick William Becker Sr. (son of Amalia Wehner) and Rosella Kelley, have contacted me. I am holding up printing until I have a chance to see what contributions they may have.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Printing Delay

Having a little trouble electronically transmitting Bier und Brot to the printers. Nothing at all serious. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


It's done! Fertig! Fini! Bier und Brot is going to the printers, but unfortunately not for about a month. Mary Frances and I will be absent off and on during the next few weeks and I don't want books to arrive and sit on our doorstep, even if for only a few hours until found by our house sitter. Those of you promised copies will receive them in a couple of months. Meanwhile, watch this site to find when the printing is started and finished.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Alex D. Palmer

I was sorry to hear of the death of Alex D. Palmer, husband of Marian L. Wehner (granddaughter of John George and Theresa (Vaeth) Wehner and great granddaughter of Nicholas and Clara Wehner. Alex passed away 1 Apr 2013. His obituary can be found at http://legacy.pioneerlocal.com/obituaries/pioneerlocal-barrington/obituary.aspx?n=alex-d-palmer&pid=164166185#fbLoggedOut.  Marian passed away earlier in Nov 2012.  Our deepest sympathies to his children Jan (who has been generous with her help on the Wehner book) and Kelvin.

Work on Bier und Brot continues. I am about 3/4 of the way finished with the final proofing.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

At Last

The indexing is done.Thirty seven pages of indexes. 659 descendants of the first Wehner (or at least the first that we have a name for), Johann Georg Wehner, plus 435 spouses of those descendants. And roughly 800 relatives of those spouses. And another 400 or so names of friends, colleagues, etc. Mary Frances is now reading the book and then to press! The book Bier und Brot is just around the corner.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Tallent Connection

Where have I been and how is the book coming along? With due diligence I have been indexing away. With roughly 1500 people (along with numerous cities, towns, mountains, streams, boats, cemeteries, etc.) mentioned, I am only about 1/3 of the way done, much to the disgust of Mary Frances, who wants this project completed. I say "due diligence" with hesitancy, as my "diligence" has recently been anything but "due." You can blame Matilda ("Tillie") Wehner, daughter of Lorenz, who was not very careful in choosing her three husbands: John B. Tallent, Arthur E. Cooney, and David Colburn Shelton. She had a knack for picking grooms who did not long survive-less than 4 years of marriage with John, two or three years with Arthur, and an incredible (for Tillie) 15 or so years with David. Short marriages mean few records, loads of research, and lots of uncertainty. Husbands 2 and 3 died at respectable ages, 65 and 76. But Husband 1 died at a very young 24. He was shot multiple times in Jacksonville, Florida, by James M. Kelly, an off-duty policemen, but surprisingly died of his wounds in St. Louis. James Kelly was charged with and convicted of murder. (His story is told in the book Vivien M. L. Miller, Crime, Sexual Violence, and Clemency, University Press of Florida, 2000, pp. 218-225. Anyway, after a lot of difficult, time-consuming, frustrating work, I have finally been able to write about the life and death of Husband 1, John B. Tallent, though not without a number of doubts. The story of John, his father, Thomas Tallent, his mother, Lavina Elizabeth Eaves, and all the other people involved (Enoch McFarland, Walter McFarland, Ed Gunn, Mary Tallent, Pearl Tallent, and others) are presented over three pages of the book, too long to put here. To all those to whom I promised copies of Bier und Brot, the Wehners of Southeast Missouri, you will get them, but not as soon as I had hoped. Then you will be able to find out exactly what happened to John B. Tallent in Jacksonville. Now, back to indexing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finishing Up

Lots of new things have come up, and the book has expanded by several pages, but I can't keep going forever. Bier und Brot, the Wehners of Southeast Missouri, is going to press soon, come hell or high water. Keep your eye on this site.