Friday, February 3, 2012

I was very lucky in being contacted today by a great granddaughter of Amelia Wehner and William F. Becker. I sent her a copy of the draft pages from my book on the Beckers so that we can discuss the Becker history. Otherwise the book is coming aloong slowly. It is entirely written, but is being continually updated, corrected, and expanded as I edit. At some point I need to stop. Today I am working on the descendants of William Wehner and Henrietta Burgsmüller. William, Lorenz's only son, moved to Crystal City, a town with more opportunities. Though William continued working as a blacksmith, most of his children went to work with (or married employees of) Pittsburgh Plate Glass (PPG) and most of his descendants are still in the area. Though there are still some questions, William's family has been relatively easy to trace.

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