Monday, January 30, 2012

One of Lorenz Wehner's children was Amelia M. Wehner (b 28 Mar 1860, d 21 Jan 1932), who married William F. Becker. The marriage ended in divorce but the family had two children, Elmer Bernard Becker (b 9 Jul 1887 d 22 Oct 1961), who left no descendants, and Frederick William Becker Sr. (b 26 Dec 1888 d 5 Apr 1955), who married Rosella (sometimes "Rose Ella") Kelley (b 22 Aug 1896 d 23 Mar 1959), who had lots of descendants. That is where the problem lies for Rosella was married twice, both times to a Becker, Frederick and Edward, who were apparently unrelated. It is difficult to tell what child belonged to whom and where they all ended up (Rosella had 12 children!). Some of Frederick's children ended up in Missouri (Pilot Knob and Festus) while Edward's may have stayed behind in Chicago. If you believe you are a descendant of this family please contact me, I would like to hear from you.

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